VetandTech- Revolutionize Your Learning with the Best Resources

VetandTech is the top-ranked resource for those interested in exploring more about this fascinating field.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Revolutionizing Veterinary Care: How Technology is Changing the Role of Vet and Tech

Do You want to embrace Your Veterinary Learning that Innovative technology brings into Your Veterinary practice? If so, then let’s proceed with a remarkable statement. Vet and Tech can elevate your value and profitability equally now and into the future. Recent technology goes hand in hand with veterinary medical devices for veterinary education. Moreover, it ensures the best prognosis and treatment with short recovery times. Furthermore, it improves the animal’s life with accurate and efficient tech handling. 

But, it’s imperative to know the current situation of your vet practice and set it to the best baseline in the future. Whether it does not matter, it’s your beginner level, planning for retirement, or practicing for an expert. Simply, it shows the different market approaches in your veterinary field. Besides, these approaches determine your good profitability and Value. In short, using Vet technology helps enhance good patient communication. Ultimately, it improves the patient’s treatment with proper diagnosis. Also, ensuring the integration of the business functionality in the Veterinary market. 

Let’s move toward the valuable information for Veterinary learning. Also, read this blog How Vet and Tech provide innovative platforms for Veterinarians.

Technological Advancements in Veterinary Education

Suppose you’re a veterinarian and start looking for advancements and veterinary News. For instance, there is always a new outbreak regarding ‘’veterinary education’’. Besides, Vet and tech are continuously discovering recent developments in animal healthcare. Certainly, Technology is playing an important role in veterinary medicine. Moreover, it allows veterinary practitioners to stay up-to-date with the best approach. Ultimately, this measure makes the most effective diagnostics for animal welfare. In addition, various technological advancements are playing a role in the Vet field. But, the most common techniques and methods are below for veterinary treatment. 

  • Invasive Surgical Methods 
  • 3D Printing for Veterinary treatment 
  • Wearable Biological Devices
  • Latest X-ray Machines 

Least Invasive Surgical Methods 

Earlier, various surgical procedures are running for the treatment of animals. But recent developments ensure the surgical methods minimally. In addition, this is useful for the sound recovery of every Pet animal. New techniques in vet education drastically reduce the time of lengthy surgical procedures. Besides, other developments are also working in the veterinary field for animal healthcare.  Such as surgical checkups, minimally invasive procedures, and microchips for fracture bones. The latest procedures allow pet animals to return to their everyday lives with faster recovery

3D Printing for Veterinary Treatment 

According to recent inventions, this is one of the best method in surgical methods. Additionally, it provides real-time information on internal bones and muscles. Now, surgical operations have become easier for maintaining the health of pets and animals. This technology equips helpful details on the pet's physiology and anatomy. Ultimately, it ensures that pet owners and veterinarians operate better and effectively. Moreover, this is also employed to construct custom-scheduled prosthetics for animals. Mostly, it isn't easy to get into routine procedures.

Wearable Biological Devices 

The usage of these biological wearable devices is increasing in the Veterinary profession. Mainly, this equipment is utilized for monitoring the animals & Pet health issues. The most common wearable devices that veterinarians use in their practice are below.

Moreover, Veterinary professionals are primarily used to detect vital statistics on animals, such as Heartbeat, respiration, PH level, and body temperature. 

  • RFID & Motion Sensors 
  • Accelerometer instruments 
  • Cameras and Transmitters 
  • GPS trackers 

Latest X-ray Machines 

New technology in the veterinary field allows the complete detection of the target part of the animal body. Generally, an X-ray machine requires the presence of an animal until the Vet technician takes the image of the targeted region. In contrast, a Fluoroscopy x-ray doesn’t need this kind of requirement for animal checkups. Recently, Veterinary care is becoming more advanced with the best efforts for animal healthy living.

Benefits of Developments in Veterinary Learning Management

Technology advancements have allowed not just the veterinary field but also veterinary practice. However, different computer programs are helping to facelift the potential of Veterinary education. Standard benefits are providing the best growth in your veterinary practice.
  • Easily Accessible & Cost Effective
  • Enhance the better collaboration 
  • Secure and Store the Entire Data
  • Ensure the appointment scheduling 
  • Streamline the Patient communication
  • Boost the Vet Patient retention
  • Improve Veterinary Quality care

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Does Revolutionizing Technology Enhance the Animal Healthcare?

Recent technology is increasing veterinary care through different biological devices. Such as :

  • Wearable monitoring instruments and AI diagnostics 
  • Ultrasounds Machine for Vet Patients 
  • Therapeutic Laser for Animal Healthcare
  • MRIs and Fluoroscopy X-ray

How is Veterinary technology deliver Positive impacts on pet and Animal health?

Vet technology is having positive impacts with new advancements. For example, providing;

  • More accurate and effective diagnosis
  • Fast treatment with sound recovery
  • Minimal Invasive Surgeries for Animals 
  • More precise with fewer complications 
  • Proper Medications for intense pain management 

Final thoughts 

The Veterinary community has worked with philosophical and moral problems. Now, Veterinary learning and education are no exception. These technologies enable supported positive effects, care, client connections, and disorder detection. In the future, this technology will be closely connected to a veterinary practice's effectiveness. Moreover, this applies to more than just companion animals, horses, and large animals. Exotic animals also aid from recent veterinary technology.

Streamline your Veterinary practice with Vet and Tech

Vet and Tech are providing valuable content for veterinary education. Even. If you’re a veterinary student or an expert, it’s necessary to have a good source of learning. So, this platform offers the best online resources with the latest advancements. Although, the competition in the market is increasing daily due to the diversity. But It’s essential to look and focus on the valuable information regarding Vet education. So, from now, streamline your veterinary practice by connecting with Vet and Tech. For more informative content for Veterinary Career growth, visit our Website. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

Top 5 Veterinary Webinar Speakers to Learn from in 2023

Are you a veterinary professional looking for the latest education in the field? There are five veterinary speakers you must know about. 

These top veterinary webinar speakers provide insightful and engaging presentations on multiple topics, ranging from nutrition and pet care to veterinary technology and treatments. 

Whether you’re a veterinarian, vet tech, or any animal care professional, these instructors of veterinary webinars are sure to offer you valuable information to learn and excel in your profession.

So don’t miss out on what they have to address in their next webinars, and stay ahead of the curve in veterinary medicine. 

Let’s get to know about these experienced veterinary professionals.

  1. Dr. Jan Bellows: Certified Veterinary Dentist

Dr. Jan Bellows (DVM, DABVP, DAVDC) is a leading expert in the veterinary dental care field. He is a board-certified professional with over 40 years of experience in veterinary dentistry. 

Through his webinars, Dr. Bellows shares his knowledge about everything from basic oral hygiene to advanced dental surgery techniques for pets. 

In addition, he has been instrumental in raising awareness of the importance of dental care for pets. 

Still, he’s doing his best to advance the veterinary dentistry field. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend his next webinar hosted by Vet and Tech, the veterinary educational platform.

  1. Clara S.S. Goh: Small Animal Orthopedic Specialist 

Clara Goh (BVSc, MS, DACVS-SA) is not only a veterinary orthopedic professional but also an experienced oncologist. In addition, she is a dedicated veterinarian to advancing cancer treatment in animals. 

Her webinars offer knowledgeable information on veterinary orthopedic diagnosis and treatments. Moreover, she shares her experience with cancer diagnostic tools and tips for managing pet tumors. 

Through her work, Dr. Goh is helping to improve the quality of life for animal victims of orthopedic and cancer complications. 

  1. Bonnie Grambow Campbell

Bonnie Grambow Campbell (DVM, Ph.D., Diplomate ACVS) is a leading veterinary webinar speaker. She is a soft tissue surgery specialist for small animals dedicated to revolutionizing animal care.  

She is passionate about improving animal health through her years of experience in the field. She is the Ex-President of the Veterinary Wound Management Society and the Society for Veterinary Soft Tissue Surgery.

Her webinars cover a wide range of topics ranging from the causes and diagnosis to the treatment of soft tissue complications in small animals. 

Being one of the most experienced veterinary speakers, Grambow Campbell is sharing her knowledge and helping to revolutionize veterinary health care. 

You must follow her for her upcoming webinar on “Effective Management of The Contaminated, Compromised Wound.”

  1. Erica Reineke: Among Renowned Veterinary Webinar Speakers

Erica Reineke (BS, VMD) is serving at VMD University of Pennsylvania. Primarily, she is an experienced clinical specialist in veterinary emergency services and a researcher in emergency medicine. 

Moreover, Miss Reineke is a diplomate from the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Medicine.

She addresses many webinars covering several topics related to emergency care for small and large animals. In addition, she is passionate about improving the emergency facilities of veterinary hospitals and finding more effective solutions.  

Through her years of experience, Erica has promoted continuing education for veterinary professionals. She shares her knowledge about how to care for animals in emergency conditions and improve veterinary practices for better animal care. 

  1. Brian Faulkner

Brian Faulker Vet (BSc (Hons), BVM&S, CertGP(SAM), CertGP(BPS), MBA, MSc(Psych), FRCVS) is a seasoned professional with services in 250+ veterinary practices.

The most interesting thing to know about Brian is that he is the founder of colorful CPD (online veterinary training). 

Moreover, in 2017, he served in the Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons as president.

As a veterinary behaviorist, he is helping pet owners to understand their furry friends better. He instructs veterinary learning sessions and offers important insights into animal behavior and training.

Through his knowledge and experience, Faulkner is helping to create a harmonious relationship between pets and their owners. 

If you want to learn from an expert veterinary speaker, follow him for his next webinar.

Other Famous Webinar Speakers

Benefits of Attending Veterinary Webinars

As a veterinary student or professional, you must know the benefits of attending learning sessions. 

Webinars can be valuable tools for professional development in many ways, such as:

  • Staying up to date with the latest research and treatment options

  • Communication and collaboration with colleagues 

  • Chance to learn from experienced veterinary professionals

  • Earning CE credit for better career opportunities

Apart from that, for busy-schedule vet professionals, online webinars are more convenient to join and more effective than in-person learning sessions and conferences. 

Wrapping Up!

The above discussion helps us conclude that veterinary webinars offer a wealth of knowledge and experience for animal care professionals. 

By attending live sessions instructed by veterinary webinar speakers like Dr. Jan Bellows, Clara Goh, and Grambow Campbell, professionals can keep themselves current with the latest advancements in the field. 

If you want to learn from any of the speakers discussed above, visit Vet and Tech for their upcoming webinars. You’ll also get a chance to earn free CE credits.


  1. Why join veterinary webinars?

Webinars presented by experienced veterinary webinar speakers are a great way of remaining current with the latest advancements in the field. 

  1. Do all veterinary webinars offer free CE?

It depends on the policy of the educational platform. Educational sources like Vet and Tech offer free CE through their webinars.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Vet Education Webinars- A perfect Ahead of the Curve

As veterinary medicine evolves, it is critical for veterinary professionals to stay up to date with recent developments. Attending vet education webinars is one way to accomplish this. These online educational events offer veterinarians, vet techs, and other animal health professionals a convenient and efficient way to learn new skills. It  broadens their knowledge base. One must stay up-to date with emerging trends and technologies.

Technology is advancing so are veterinary and medical practices. One cannot know of the evolving trends in the diagnosis and treatment in their clinics. It's also not easy to have all the news at all times. But it's important for vet techs to stay updated. These veterinary webinars are the best way to improve one’s knowledge and stay updated. With these webinars vets can be informed of hot issues in veterinary practice. 

Vet techs can improve their practices and learn new skills and ways through this medium. Everyday is a new day of discovery and invention. Vets may not know of the breakthrough through books written in old times. This modern yet valuable resource is a blessing in a disguise. It helps vets to advance in their career with CE credits. 

With veterinary CE Webinars vets can get ahead in their career. They can improve their reputation by providing vets with the best veterinary attention and care. This is only possible when you are aware of the changing trends in the practice. 

Vet Education Webinars - Stay Ahead of the Curve 

Enhancing Clinical Outcomes

Webinars can assist veterinary professionals in staying current on research and best practices in animal health care. E-learning can allow clinicians to improve patient outcomes. You will be able to provide better care for animal cases if you learn new methods and strategies. New trends, techniques, and medications can help you get better results.

Broadening career options

These educational webinars can help professionals advance in their careers while also improving patient outcomes. Experts can apply for new job opportunities, promotions, and leadership roles within their organizations by learning new skills and staying up to date with emerging trends and technologies.

Staying Ahead of the Curve 

Animal care education webinars provide access to the most recent veterinary research and best practices. Veterinary practitioners can maintain their relevance in the field and stay on top in a rapidly evolving industry by staying ahead of the curve. As a vet, you might not want to fall back on old practices. This is the most practical way to learn.


In-person conferences and workshops can be expensive. Registration fees, travel expenses, and time away from work can all be costly. Vet webinars are less expensive and can offer excellent value for money. You can learn a lot by sitting in your clinics or homes. A small investment can help you earn more than you anticipated. Here, the only investments are time and an internet connection.

Continuing Education Credits( CE Webinars)

Many professional organizations and licensing boards require veterinary professionals to complete a certain number of continuing education hours each year. Vet webinars provide a convenient way to earn these credits while also gaining valuable knowledge and skills. Vets can gain CE credits with these webinars easily. 

Networking opportunities

Vet e-learning allows you to connect with other professionals in the field. You can  ask questions, and share ideas. This can result in beneficial collaborations. It promotes a sense of community among veterinary professionals. You can meet vets from all over the world and learn best practices from them.


Animal care learning webinars provide access to expert knowledge as well as professional development opportunities that may not be available in a vet tech's local area. This is especially useful for those who work in rural or remote areas, or for those who have limited mobility.


Online webinars can be tailored to meet the specific needs and interests of vet techs.They can create a relevant and engaging learning experience.By selecting webinars on topics that align with their professional goals and interests will help them a lot. This can help improve motivation and retention of the material being presented.

Key Takeaways !

Vet education webinars provide a variety of advantages for veterinary professionals, including vet techs. Veterinary webinars are an excellent tool for vet techs looking to improve their skills and advance their careers because they help you: 

  • Gain Expert Knowledge, 

  • Get continuing education credits

  • Have networking opportunities 

  • Learn in convenience 

  • The cost-effective learning techniques  

  • Have accessibility in getting knowledge from wherever you want

  • Learn in a personalized way 

  • Attain advanced knowledge with ease 

Looking for Veterinary CE Webinars?  

Vet and Tech, a leading provider of online continuing education for veterinary professionals. It is one platform that offers high-quality Vet Education Webinars. With a wide range of topics and expert instructors, Vet n Tech provides a convenient and affordable way for vet techs to earn CE credits and stay up to date on the latest developments in veterinary medicine. So, whether you're a seasoned vet tech or new to the field, Vet n Tech is a great place to start for your continuing education.


What are CE Webinars? 

Continuing education hours are required by many professional organizations and licensing boards for veterinary professionals each year. Vet webinars are an easy way to earn these credits while also learning new things. Vets can easily obtain CE credits by participating in these webinars.

Can we have the vet education webinars saved for later? 

Some platforms do upload their webinars videos to be seen on later but not all. So, it's important to take notes during the webinar to not miss on anything important.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Different Small Animal Instruments Packs Used By Veterinarians

Small animals, such as canines and felines, are not physically as strong as large animals. Owing to that, surgeons require specially designed veterinary instruments to perform surgeries on these animals.

Besides canines and felines, small animals include rodents, pigs, and small mammals like hedgehogs, sugar gliders, and rabbits.

In this context, veterinary practitioners need small animal instruments featuring the finest craft to manipulate and operate these animals' delicate organs and other bodily structures.

Small animal instruments

Veterinary experts have designed various sets and packs of small animal surgical instruments. According to the specialty, different packs contain different instruments helpful for performing a specific procedure. 

In this blog, we will learn about some important small animal packs used by veterinarians. 

Canine & Feline Spay/Neuter Pack

Spaying and neutering are the most common surgeries for small animals, especially dogs and cats. Therefore, experts have designed an ergonomic pack comprising all the fundamental instruments to assist veterinary surgeons. 

This advanced veterinary pack has made spaying and neutering more efficient and less problematic than conventional methods. It contains several surgery instruments, including forceps, scissors, and towel clamps, with multiple variations.

Cruciate Pack

The cruciate pack is specially designed for repairing the knee joint fractures of cats and dogs. Cranial cruciate ligament rupture is common in dogs. Therefore, this set is specially designed with multiple small animal instruments to treat the deformity of cruciate ligaments. 

The ergonomic pack comprises multiple scissors, retractors, forceps, rongeurs, needle holders, and some other instruments. All instruments have delicate craft meeting the requirements of small animals' cruciate procedures. 

Exotic Surgical Packs

The Exotic surgical packs are designed to help exotic animal surgeon specialists carry out microsurgeries on small animals, especially rodents and reptiles. 

The Small Animal Surgical Instruments in these packs feature delicate craft; therefore, these are called micro instruments. The fine, sharp working ends of the tools make them more ergonomic for micro procedures. 

veterinary surgical instruemtns

Eye Surgery Packs

Eye surgery packs for small animals are ideal for veterinary ophthalmic surgeons. These packs are available with different numbers of instruments. Veterinary eye specialists can choose the set they need for a specific eye procedure. 

Additionally, some of the instruments in these packs are common that are helpful in treating routine eye problems of small animals like canines and felines. 

The two common eye surgery packs include starter eye pack veterinary and advanced eye pack veterinary. 

All the instruments in these kits are delicately crafted, keeping in mind the requirements of animal ophthalmic procedures. 

Orthopedic Packs

Orthopedics packs are special for treating the problems of muscles and bones in small animals. The instruments in these packs are robustly designed to meet the needs of veterinary orthopedic surgeons. 

Veterinary surgeons can get these orthopedic packs in multiple variations. Some of these are as follows.

  • Orthopedic Knee Set Small Animal

This small animal orthopedic pack contains seven instruments; each has a robust structure and ergonomic design. It is ideal for the knee procedures of canines, felines, and other small animals. 

The instruments included in this orthopedic pack are 

  • Hohmann Retractor Mini with different sizes

  • Halsted Mosquito Forceps 

  • Senn Miller Retractor 

  • Gelpi Retractor of different sizes 

  • Advanced Orthopedic Surgery Pack

This orthopedic pack is advanced and innovative in nature, containing all the fundamental instruments for repairing bone fractures in small animals.

Moreover, the instruments in this pack meet the requirements of advanced orthopedic procedures in veterinary practice.

  • Standard Veterinary Orthopedic Pack

The standard orthopedic pack is the need of every veterinary practitioner. It contains all the basic tools required for frequent and common fracture treatment in small animals.

The instruments in this pack include cannulated pin cutter, orthopedic wires, Gigli saw, Weitlaner retractor, Lucae Mallet, and Wire Twister.

The other important instruments in this pack are as follows.

  • Fomon Rasp 

  • Gigli-Strully Saw Handle 

  • Spratt (brun) Mastoid Curette

  • Liston Bone-Cutting Forceps 

  • Senn Miller Retractor

  • Freer Elevators Double

  • Kern Bone Holding Forceps 

  • Wire Cutting Scissors 

  • Starter Orthopedic Pack

The starter orthopedic pack contains a few basic small animal instruments. It includes pin and wire cutters, trocars, wire twister needle holders, Babcock Suture Wire, and a few other instruments.

Except for all these surgical packs used in small animal procedures, there are many more sets and kits. 

Get Top-notch Veterinary Instruments 

A sub-standard instrument can lead to severe hazards for animal health. Therefore, veterinarians must consider a reliable source to get high-end veterinary surgery instruments.

If you want to buy small animal instruments of any kind, GerVetUSA Inc., can prove to be an excellent option. Among the manufacturers of veterinary surgical instruments, they have a reputation for facilitating veterinarians of all domains with German-forged instruments. 

Moreover, they are open to customizing their tools for veterinarians. Besides, they offer their animal instruments in multiple variations. Your veterinary kit is just a call away.  


Can I get spay/neuter packs in color coatings?

Yes, you can get these packs in multiple color coatings. They are easily available at the manufacturers of veterinary instruments. 

What are the key features of small animal instruments?

Small animal surgical instruments have delicate structures. They have fine working ends, as these are used to manipulate delicate bodily structures of canines, felines, and exotic animals. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Recognizing the Top 15 Dog and Cat Dental Diseases Webinar

Photographic Images of Oral Lesions Will Serve to Illustrate Common Dental Diseases in Dogs and Cats.

Program Agenda:

The top 15 dental diseases in dogs and cats will be discussed including abrasion, attrition, caries, contact mucositis, complicated and uncomplicated crown exposures, dentin dysplasia, enamel hypocalcification, enamel hypoplasia, furcation involvement and exposure, gingival enlargement, hairy tongue, oronasal fistulae, and periodontal disease.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will learn how to recognize the many of the common dental diseases affecting dogs and

1 CE Credit

Dr. Jan Bellows