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Thursday, January 26, 2023

What Are The 4 Most Common Types of Veterinary Surgical Instruments

According to the statistics by Global Market Insights Inc., by 2030, the value of the veterinary surgery tools market will reach 2.3 billion. 
The manufacturers produce thousands of veterinary surgical instruments each year. Actually, it all depends on the needs of veterinary practice.

Veterinarians require different veterinary instruments to carry out procedures on the animals. However, four types of these tools are frequently used by veterinary practitioners.

Veterinary surgical scissors, retractors, forceps, and needle holders are the most commonly used veterinary tools. Each of these types has further sub-categories and variations. 

Well, here, we’ll have an overview of these common veterinary surgical tools.

Frequently Used Veterinary Surgical Instruments 

Among the categories of veterinary surgical tools, four types of instruments are must-haves for veterinary surgeons. These include:

  • Scissors
  • Retractors
  • Forceps
  • Needle Holders 
Let’s discuss them one by one.

1. Veterinary Surgical Scissors

Surgical scissors are the most common and multi-purpose veterinarians' tools. Basically, scissors are cutting and dissecting instruments. These come in multiple types and variations. In different surgeries, veterinary surgeons use surgical scissors to make incisions, cuts, and dissections. 

However, each type of veterinary scissors has its specialty according to its use. For instance, Metzenbaum scissors cannot be used in place of bandage scissors and vice versa.

The 3 most common veterinary surgical scissors are as follows.

  • Mayo Dissecting Scissors
The Mayo dissecting veterinary scissors are ideal for the veterinarian to cut dense tissues and sometimes bony structures. These cutting and dissecting veterinary surgery instruments feature sharp blades, bunt tips, and finger ring handles.

Veterinary surgeons can get Mayo scissors in super sharp, superCut, and tungsten carbide blade patterns.
Moreover, these scissors come in straight as well as curved designs

  • Metzenbaum Scissors
The Metzenbaum Veterinary Scissors are specially designed for cutting and dissecting delicate tissues. These feature a long shank-to-blade ratio. Like Mayo scissors, Metz are also available in multiple patterns.
  • Bandage Scissors 
Bandage scissors are veterinary instruments helpful for cutting and removing bandages from animals' fractures and wounds. These are also helpful in cutting drapes and sizing dressings.  
The two major types of bandage scissors include Lister bandage scissors and Hi-level bandage scissors.

The Lister bandage scissors are special for removing circumferential bandages. On the other hand, the high-level pattern helps cut and remove the hard and tough bandages from the animal skin. 

Apart from that, dozens of other surgical scissors are helpful in veterinary practice. 

2. Veterinary Surgical Retractors

Retractors come under the category of spreading and retracting veterinary surgical instruments. These tools help veterinary surgeons expose the surgery area by holding back the impeding biological structures. 

There are various types of these veterinary surgery tools. The two major categories include:

  • Self-retaining Retractors
This type of retractor can stay in place for longer by holding back the edges of incisions and wounds, and other bodily structures during veterinary procedures. 

These feature a ratchet-lock or speed lock mechanism that helps adjust the instruments to the desired position. 
Gelpi-retractors are an excellent example of self-retraining veterinary surgical retractors. 

  • Hand-held Retractors 
Hand-held retractors are usually single-piece veterinary tools. Like the self-retaining patterns, these feature no locking mechanism. Veterinary practitioners have to hold these retractors throughout the Veterinary surgical procedure

These are ideal for surgeries that require little time. Chandler retractors and Hohman retractors are the common examples to mention. 

3. Veterinary Surgical Forceps

Forceps come under the category of grasping and holding veterinary surgery instruments. They come in several patterns.
Surgical forceps are helpful for veterinary practitioners in manipulating and handling tissues and some other bodily structures during different procedures.

The serrated and toothed beaks of the forceps ensure a firm grip on the bodily structures. 
In addition, some kinds of veterinary forceps are ideal for grasping blood vessels to prevent blood loss during surgeries. 

The examples include 
  • Allis Tissue Forceps
  • Hartman Alligator Forceps
  • Thumb Tissue Forceps
  • Russian Tissue Forceps
  • Debakey Thoracic Tissue Forceps 
  • Kelly Hemostatic Forceps
  • Bone Holding Forceps
  • Plain Splinter Forceps
  • Halsted Mosquito Forceps 

4. Needle Holders

Needle holders are veterinary surgical instruments helpful in driving the suturing needles while stitching wounds and incisions of animals. There are several patterns and designs of these veterinary tools. They also come with a scissors combination. 

Usually, the needle holders feature serrated beaks for gripping the needles firmly.
The important types of these veterinary surgical tools include:
  • Olsen Hegar Needle Holder Scissors Combination 
  • Heaney Needle Holder
  • Mathieu Olsen Hegar Needle Holder 
  • Mayo Hegar Needle Holder Serrated 
  • Castroviejo Needle Holder 
  • Crile Wood Needle Holder 

Always Buy High-Quality Veterinary Instruments 

A perfect tool guarantees a perfect procedure. Most importantly, performing surgeries on animals is far more difficult than carrying out procedures on humans. However, surgical instruments for both purposes should be of high quality. 
Being a veterinary practitioner, you must be familiar with the quality standards of surgical instruments besides knowing their different types, designs, and patterns. 

Moreover, you should be intimate with the manufacturers and suppliers of the quality veterinary surgical instruments. GerVetUSA Inc. is one of the most reliable manufacturers of veterinary surgical tools since the last three decades. 
They offer all kinds of veterinarians’ tools in multiple sizes and designs. Additionally, their instruments are made of German stainless steel for the improved durability.  


Is it suitable to use Bandage Scissors in place of Mayo Scissors?

No, bandage scissors are only meant to remove bandages and cut dressings and drapes. Instead of using Mayo scissors, if you try to dissect tissues with bandage scissors, it can lead to serious trauma to the animal under the procedure.

What are the materials used for manufacturing veterinary instruments? 

European-grade or surgical-grade stainless steel, tungsten carbide inserts, and titanium coating are commonly used for manufacturing veterinary surgical instruments. 

What comes under cutting and dissecting veterinary tools?

Surgical scissors, scalpels, blades, and knives are included in the category of cutting and dissecting veterinary surgery instruments. 

Friday, January 13, 2023

The 7 Most Common Animal Diseases And Their Symptoms

Animals are particularly adept at concealing their illnesses. The obvious symptoms of an ailment that appear after an extreme condition may be noticed, but the subtle ones go unnoticed by humans. Hence, you must be knowledgeable about common animal diseases as a pet owner.

You must act quickly if you notice something unusual in your pet's behavior. If you are unaware of the risks and subtle symptoms, your pet's health may deteriorate before you notice. This blog will provide information on the most common animal diseases.

As a result, if you notice these diseases in your pets, take them to a veterinarian.

Most Common Animal Diseases in Pets

Pets are susceptible to many diseases because they do not adhere to the same standards of hygiene and care as humans. Furthermore, pets of younger ages are more vulnerable to infections. It can be upsetting to learn that your pet is ill. As a result, to provide better care for your pets, let's look at the five most common diseases in animals.

Hookworms and roundworms

Roundworms and hookworms are the most common parasitic worms. They grow and live within your pet's intestine. Roundworms and hookworms hatch from eggs to become larvae, which then develop into adult worms. Roundworms and hookworms can infect dogs and cats of any age, but they are most vulnerable when they are very young. These worms are frequently passed from mother to puppy before birth or through the mother's milk. They can even get these from their surroundings. Therefore, a veterinarian must deworm infected pets.


The symptoms that may appear in pets are:

Diarrhea with blood or mucus.


Weight loss

A bloated belly

Unhealthy appearance.

Dull and dry coat.

Excessive licking and chewing at their bottom.

Most pets show no signs of worm infection, but some exhibit all these symptoms. Infections are fatal in young puppies and kittens. As a result, immediate treatment for worm infestation is required.


The fungus is known as ringworm because of its round, raised, red ring appearance. It is highly contagious and can infect dogs, cats, horses, other animals, and humans. Ringworm does not usually itch. However, the affected hair follicles are brittle and easily break, which causes the spread of the disease. The fungus infects the claws sometimes, making them brittle and rough. Ringworm is difficult to prevent but is easily treated.


Ringworm symptoms include the following:

Hair loss in circular areas

Brittle, dry hair

Inflamed, scabby skin

Rough, brittle claws

If your pet exhibits any or all of the following symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.


Salmonella can be spread by pets through their feces. Chicks and ducklings are the most likely carriers of this infection. It can also be carried by dogs, cats, birds, and horses. Salmonella enters the environment through contaminated food or from their mothers before they are born or hatch. Bacteria can easily contaminate the animals' body parts (fur, feathers, or scales).


Signs and symptoms of salmonella in pets are:

Stomach pain




Get tired

When you notice these symptoms, get your pet checked by a veterinarian.

Lyme disease

In almost every state, lyme disease is prevalent in pets, particularly dogs. This disease is also known as "Lyme borreliosis." Lyme disease is caused by a spiral-shaped bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. It is carried by ticks, which transmit it to pets. Ticks typically enter your pet's fur when it walks through grass or woods.


Your pet might be the victim of Lyme disease if it exhibits the following symptoms:

Joints swelling


Confusion (can be shifting, intermittent, and recurring)

Reduced energy

Lack of appetite

Generalized stiffness and discomfort

When you notice these symptoms, take your pet to the nearby animal health care center.

Psittacosis (parrot fever)

Parrot fever, psittacosis, chlamydiophila psittaci, and ornithosis are all names for this disease. It is an infectious disease that frequently affects many bird species. It usually spreads through contact with bird droppings and dust. This bacterial infection is highly contagious among pet birds. Parrot fever necessitates antibiotic treatment under the proper care of your avian vet.


Your bird might be the victim of parrot fever if it exhibits the following symptoms:

Loss of appetite

Difficulty in breathing


Green watery droppings

Discharge from the eyes and nose

Parrot fever is fatal and necessitates immediate veterinary care

Wrapping Up

Although the common animal diseases mentioned above are lethal, they are potentially preventable. They are also treatable if properly diagnosed and treated. Visit your veterinarian regularly to keep your pets healthy and safe from deadly diseases. Visit Vet and Tech for more information on common animal diseases. They provide information on various pet diseases and how to keep your pets healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions :

What are the causes of animal disease?

Bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, nutritional deficiencies, and chemical poisons are the most common causes of animal disease. Furthermore, some animals may contract diseases due to nutrition, genetics, or other unknown reasons.

What are some methods for preventing animal disease?

To prevent animal diseases, owners should maintain proper hygiene in their establishment, be aware of disease symptoms, take suspected sick animals to the vet, and vaccinate them as needed.